
Sightseeing in Badami

It takes a great deal of planning, effort and vision to create difference and nurture originality in each structure that would essentially serve the same purpose. Badami, a town built by the Chalukya Dynasty in the 8th century, is synonymous with a grand exhibition of temple architecture, skill, history and art. Meticulously dug and carved out of stone, this town is home to many temples made of sandstone and serve as epicentres for conversations surrounding the Hindu and Jain faith.  

The Badami Cave Temples, Aihole, Bhutanatha Temples, Mallikarjuna Temples, Ravana Phadi Temple, Agastya Lake and Badami Fort are some places that must feature on your list while sightseeing in Badami. A trip to Badami is incomplete without temple visits where one spends time looking in all four directions, taking in the sight of splendour.  

By virtue of no two stones looking the absolute same, all temples here are built vastly different from one another in terms of the stories they tell and the sculptures contained within their walls. One might say that sightseeing in Badami tends to be monotonous with just temples on the list, when in reality, a large chunk of what Badami has to offer and their culture is this.  


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Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the most popular tourist attraction in Badami? 


How many temples do the Cave Temples have?


What language do the guides at Badami speak?


Who built the Badami Fort?


Can you cover all these spots by foot? 


What is special about the Bhutanatha Temple?


What are other, similar places around Badami that we can visit?
