29 Experiences
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Estonian Hut
₹ 2256 /guest (Excl. Taxes)
Deluxe Queen BR
₹ 2747 /guest (Excl. Taxes)
All you want to know about the Experience
Lush emerald coffee plantations laden with red berries, tall trees that stretch high into the sky, quaint winding roads with adventure waiting around every corner, and green undulating hills, make Coorg a natural gem of beauty. Nestled amidst coffee plantations and leafy silver oaks is this elegant homestay of exotic huts and wonderful hospitality.
An Estonian traveller during a cycling tour fell in love with the splendor of Coorg and decided to provide fellow travellers with a similar experience, filled with homely warmth. The result was the creation of four lovely cottages resembling cottages of rural Estonia and Northern Russia. Built with the help of local artisans, the cozy huts look like they’re straight out of a fairy-tale, complete with a wooden finish and sloping tiled roofs.
Travel down to this unique homestay and experience Coorg in all its rustic glory.
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Lush emerald coffee plantations laden with red berries, tall trees that stretch high into the sky, quaint winding roads with adventure waiting around every corner, and green undulating hills, make Coorg a natural gem of beauty. Nestled amidst coffee plantations and leafy silver oaks is this elegant homestay of exotic huts and wonderful hospitality.
An Estonian traveller during a cycling tour fell in love with the splendor of Coorg and decided to provide fellow travellers with a similar experience, filled with homely warmth. The result was the creation of four lovely cottages resembling cottages of rural Estonia and Northern Russia. Built with the help of local artisans, the cozy huts look like they’re straight out of a fairy-tale, complete with a wooden finish and sloping tiled roofs.
Travel down to this unique homestay and experience Coorg in all its rustic glory.
Hot Water
Free Parking
Charging Points
Drinking Water
Hot Water
Free Parking
Charging Points
Drinking Water
Exact location will be shared after booking
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Are meals included in the price of the stay?
What type of cuisine is available at the homestay?
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29 Experiences
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